Saturday, July 27

How Shall I Study Kinematics?

Kinematics is a field of study in Physics where the motion is described for bodies and objects and others which can be groups of bodies while also factoring the forces that make those motions or to put it in a way that to enforce it. This is a field of study where we can either describe it mathematically or in physics. This particular field of study when studied also means that there is a geometric aspect to the concept because we need to know the position of the bodies or velocity of the bodies or even acceleration of the body. Thus by studying this we can know the velocity, acceleration and position of the body. The study of the forces which act on the bodies or points fall under kinetics and that is not kinematics. We can also study about dynamics more in relation to this subject.


Let us look in the importance of this field of study:


This is used for astronomy as well as astrophysics which deal with the motion of the bodies and collection of bodies. Thus in the field of engineering as well as robotics, we use kinematics. This is also used to describe the system of motion of bodies for an engine or a human skeleton.


In the field of mechanical system we can also consider that the movement of bodies or components will help us get the equation of motion derivation. They can also help in central analysis. This field of study can help us measure the kinematics quantities and it can thus describe motion. For Engineering the kinematics analysis can be used to find the movement for some machines and also we can use it for destining the mechanics for the motion we do desire. We also apply for algebraic geometry for mechanical study for any system.



If we consider the particle kinematics we can also study the motion of particles. Where the particles are placed and how the vectors are coordinated from the point of origin within a specified frame of reference. Thus we can see that how this field of study helps us in many things.


Again in particle theory or particle theory for kinematics if we take a known three dimensional system then we can see that particles is inside a plane or frame of reference and thus the coordinated system is two dimensional. This is more than enough.


Where the position of the particle is a vector and this is drawn with respect to the frame of reference for the particle.


How do we express kinematics with respect to the point trajectory for a plane:


Here we observe the movement for the components for the system and this is done by keeping it in a frame of reference for each of the part and thus the various frame of references are in motion but relative to each other. Here the differences of the parts is that it is more than enough and their non structure can be ignored. The rigid way it was transferred is express the movement. This will reduce the motion of the parts and this is what we talk of in a complicated system. Here we do talk of the possibility of considering the geometric assembly of the structure.



Kinematics in terms of Velocity and Speed: Here we talk of the Velocity of a particle for which we consider it a vector quantity and thus it will describe the magnitude and direction for the particle. Here if we consider it in Mathematic terms we can see that the rate of change of position vector of a point with respect to time is the velocity of the point. When we talk of the acceleration then we know that the vector can change in both magnitude and direction and also together. Thus we know that acceleration will affect the rate of change of the magnitude and rate of change of direction for that vector. We can use the same reasons we do to use the particle position for the bodies to describe the velocity and it can be used to express the velocity for acceleration. Thus for any particle the acceleration can be defined as the rate of change of velocity vector. This average particle acceleration will be defined as the ratio.


Kinematic pairs: These are just higher and lower pairs for elements. With some pairs which are higher the elements are in contact with each other in a point and along a line and thus the motions relatively are not same. Thus the Lower pairs are those areas which is connected as in ball socket. Here the motion is relative and there is exchange of elements which does not change the relative motion for those with higher parts.


Important question: The position x of a particle varies with time t as x=at ^ (2)-bt ^ (3). The acceleration at time t of the particle will be equal to zero, where (t) is equal to.


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