Friday, July 26


Winter Holidays for Lifeguards: Navigating the Off-Season Challenges

Winter Holidays for Lifeguards: Navigating the Off-Season Challenges

Winter holidays bring joy and festivities for many, but for lifeguards, it's a unique challenge. The chilly weather and the absence of swimmers at outdoor pools create a different dynamic.  In this article, we'll explore the peculiarities of the winter holiday season for lifeguards and how they navigate this off-season period. Off-Duty Blues: Lifeguards and Winter Lulls During the winter holidays, lifeguards often find themselves off-duty due to the closure of outdoor pools. The absence of the regular rhythm of lifeguarding can leave them feeling a bit adrift. Instead of scanning the water for swimmers in distress, they may be contemplating holiday plans or catching up on neglected hobbies. It's a stark shift from the high-energy summer days spent ensuring the safety of pool...